Thursday, July 29, 2010

AHA Heart Walk

Please help donate to the American Heart Association's Heart Walk.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Few of My Faves

My beautiful & crazy daughter of course. My #1. She brings a lot of joy and laughter everyday.
My DVR that helps me catch all my fave shows.
Being with friends.
A song that takes you back to a moment.
Lounging on the beach.

My Blackberry.

Shopping, naturally for anything.

My Besties and the laughter we share.



Grey Goose.

A great pair of jeans.

A totally clean house. (Which is oh so rare.)


A nice Mani/Pedi.
A new haircut.
New makeup.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Camping for the 4th of July

We love the 4th of July around here. It's hot outside. There is swimming, eating and fireworks. The girly had tons of fun this year camping. There was a lot of playing.
Of course a lot of swimming. Here she thought she would try to sit on a lily pad.
Sparklers are always a favorite.

Photo shoot with the lake behind us.


Dragons Game

Who knew my girly girl would love a Dragons baseball game?! Of course it involved more shopping (Dragon's Den gift shop) and eating (hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn, Dippin' Dots, Gatorade & fruit punch) and the Maze Craze than actually sitting down to watch the game. She can spend money anywhere. Don't these two look like they're up to something?